02 03 Melody Jackson, Author: Book Sales, Blogging, and Big Plans! 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Book Sales, Blogging, and Big Plans!


What does this wonderful and chilling quote from Doctor Who have to do with writing, you may ask? Well, last night I was selling my books at Mesa's 2nd Friday Night Out event, which I greatly enjoyed, and there were two statues by my booth. (not angel statues, but Whovians know from "The Angels Take Manhattan" that doesn't make it any less terrifying. ;) Luckily, they were staring at each other, so it seems the Doctor must have tricked them once again.

(The Weeping Angels?? ;)

Oh, so for those of you who don't know, 2nd Friday Night Out is a monthly event, every second Friday of the month(oh really? I had no idea ;) and it's just a fun evening where artists and other vendors set up their booths to display and sell their merchandise. I've connected with some wonderful people at the event and have always had a lot of fun! :) (And if you live near Mesa, Arizona, you should come out and see me next month!)

Anyway, that is why I did not have a chance to blog yesterday. Seeing as the weekend messes up my schedule of blogging every other day anyway, this works out fine. And I've got some exciting news to share with you!

At the moment, I am not quite sure when this will be done, but I'm currently working on (in addition to Dragons' Bane) a short companion story for The Dragon Within, starring probably my most well-loved character (according to most readers): Treya!

Now, if you don't know who Treya is, then you should really stop reading this right now and purchase my book so you can find out who she is and get really excited about this, because this is going to be a really cool story and explain a lot about Treya that I wasn't able to cover in The Dragon Within. It'll also have a different look at another character who I won't name for possible spoiler reasons, but I'm very excited to include more about as well. :)

My goal is to get this little story done by Christmas (I don't know why; just seemed like a good deadline ;) so you can read it. And, I haven't even told you the best part! Since this is a much shorter story that is also only going to be in digital format, I'm going to release it for free! 

I also have a couple of other short companion stories planned once I finish Treya's, possibly from other characters' perspectives, most of which though I again cannot talk about because of possible spoilers! My idea for it was though to give the information that I wasn't able to put in The Dragon Within for various reasons, and/or write about the things that I as a reader would have wondered about and wished to read about from the book, as I've sometimes done with other books. :)

 I don't yet have a title for Treya's story (suggestions welcome!) but I'm very excited about it and hope you are too!

This makes me curious, though: If you've read The Dragon Within, who is your favorite character, and/or which characters would you like to read more about? :)

Well, I'm off to my (electronic) writing desk now to put this excitement and inspiration to good use. Be sure to come back Monday for another blog post and hopefully more exciting news! :)

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